Gwyn fyd y rhai dilëaist eu bai

(Parhâd y Saint)
Gwyn fyd y rhai
    dilëaist eu bai,
  Eu pechod, a'u hanwiredd:
Gan roi iddynt nerth
    er cnawd a byd,
  I bara hyd y diwedd.

Y rhai sy'n cadw'th hedd o hyd,
  Er gwaetha'r byd a'i ddrygau,
Gan wylio beunydd yn ddi goll
  Ar gadw'th holl gyfreithiau.

Pa ddrwg wna'r gelyn i'r rhai hyn,
  Sy'n rhodio yn dy ddeddfau?
Cyfeillach dawel bur a'u Duw,
  Gânt ym mhob
      rhyw gyflyrau.
dilëaist :: dilê(')st

- - - - -

(Blas Maddeuant)

Gwyn fyd y rhai
    dile'st eu bai,
  Eu pechod a'u hanwiredd;
Gan roi iddynt nerth
    er cnawd a byd,
  I bara hyd y diwedd.

Hir ddysgwyl 'rwyf, a hyn bob cam,
  Fel gwyliwr am y borau,
Gael profi grym
    dy nefol ras,
  Yn difa'm hatgas feiau.

Nid all un gelyn nac un bai
  Byth ddamnio'r rhai crediniol;
Mae gwaed yr Oen,
    ag uchel lef,
  O fewn y nef yn eiriol.
- - - - -

(Golwg orfoleddus ar ben y daith)

Gwyn fyd y rhai,
    dilëaist eu bai,
  Eu pechod a'u hanwiredd;
Gan roi iddynt nerth
    er cnawd a byd,
  I bara hyd y diwedd.

Dysgwyl yr wyf a hyn bob cam,
  Fel gwyliwr am y bore;
Gael profi grym
    dy nefol râs,
  I'm tynu o'm hatgas feiau.

Er bod yn hir mewn anial fan,
  Yn 'mofyn am orphwysfa;
O'r diwedd daethum (rhyfedd fraint,)
  I'r fan mae'r saint yn gwledda.

Y wisg a'r goron gâf
    i'm rhan,
  Sy'n nghadw gan yr Iesu,
A'r hyfryd balmwydd yn fy law,
  Heb boen na braw y'm drygu.

Ymborthi câf yn drag'wyddol,
  Ar ffrwythau pren y bywyd;
Ac yfed byth heb boen na chur,
  O afon bur y bywyd.

N' all Satan, calon ddrwg, na bai,
  Byth ddamnio y rhai crediniol;
Mae gwaed yr Oen âg uchel lef,
  O fewn y nef yn eiriol.

O Fugail Israel, dŵg fi 'mlaen
  I'r dawel lân orphwysfa,
I'th nefol lys
    o'm poen a'm pla,
  I ganu Haleluia.
Dysgwyl :: Disgwyl

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Cemmaes (John Williams 1740-1821)
Dyfroedd Siloah (John Williams 1740-1821)
Glanceri (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
  "Hephizba" (<1829)
  Llandyfrydog (<1835)
Mynydd Carmel (hen alaw)

  Er bod yn hir mewn anial fan
  O Fugail Israel dwg fi 'mlaen
  Pan ballo ffafor pawb a'u hedd
  Rhaid imi gael pob gras pob dawn
  Sancteiddrwydd im' yw'r Oen di-nàm

(The Endurance of the Saints)
Blessed are those
    whose fault thou hast cancelled,
  Their sin, and their falsehood:
Giving them strength
    despite flesh and world,
  To continue until the end.

Those who are keeping thy peace always,
  Despite the world and its evils,
While watching daily unfailingly
  To keep all thy laws.

What evil will the enemy do to those,
  Who are walking in thy pronouncements?
Quiet, pure fellowship with their God,
  They will get in every
      kind of condition.

- - - - -

(The Taste of Forgiveness)

Blessed are those
    whose fault thou hast cancelled,
  Their sin, and their falsehood:
Giving them strength
    despite flesh and world,
  To continue until the end.

Long waiting I am, and this every step,
  Like watchmen for the morning,
To get an experience of the force
    of thy heavenly grace,
  Eradicating my detestable faults.

No enemy nor any fault can
  Ever condemn the believing ones;
The blood of the Lamb is,
    with a loud voice,
  Within heaven interceding.
- - - - -

(A jubilant sight at the journey's end)

Blessed are those
    whose fault thou hast cancelled,
  Their sin, and their falsehood;
Giving them strength
    despite flesh and world,
  To continue until the end.

Long waiting I am, and this every step,
  Like a watchman for the morning,
To get to experience the force
    of thy heavenly grace,
  To draw me from my detestable faults.

Despite long in a desert place,
  Asking for a resting-place;
At last I came (wonderful privilege,)
  To the place the saints are feasting.

The clothing and the crown
    I shall get for my portion,
  Which are kept by Jesus,
And the delightful palm-tree in my hand,
  Without pain or terror to do me evil.

To feed I shall get eternally,
  On the fruits of the tree of life;
And to drink forever without pain or ache,
  From the pure river of life.

Satan, an evil heart, nor a fault, can
  Ever condemn the believing ones;
The blood of the Lamb is, with a loud cry,
  Within heaven interceding.

O Shepherd of Israel, draw me forward
  To the quiet, holy resting-place,
To thy heavenly court
    from my pain and my plague,
  To sing Hallelujah.

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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